Monday, September 26, 2005

so excited!

Go here, get excited, be happy :)

P.S. I got the link from my friend in france, that's why it's a french thing :) The audio is still in English

Friday, September 23, 2005


I totally and completely respect the men and women who give service to our county. I do not have that capacity, but I am eternally grateful for them and the peace, security and freedom they provide me.

That said- I have a story...
I was walking home from school yesterday, still on campus, and suddenly I hear “Joe got send to Vietnam”…”JOE GOT SEND TO VIETNAM!” with about 45 voices. I turn around to see our ROTC Army women and men, running in beat and chanting. Does anyone know the name of this process? I think there’s a name for it. Anyway, so the next thing I hear is “Joe’s going to kill the Vietcom”…”JOE’S GOING TO KILL THE VIETCOM!” The chanting went through an entire story about his young man and his family all the way to his son getting his metal of honor after Joe died in Vietnam. My goodness! I was quite overcome with amazement at this display of training.
I would like to know the opinion of those in the army and out, of this type of exercise and just opinion on army training in general.

Monday, September 19, 2005

See Cody's Blog...

Well, here it is. Not exactly, but it's pretty close. I think this is taken from the other side of the rock. See Cody's blog @ and scroll down to the "Have you ever" entry. Good fun huh? I was in this place 4 years ago.

I think it's a romantic thought that I stood on the same beach as at least one other person I "e-know". It makes you think of all the people who have gone before in the place you are, and all the people who will come after. People you will never meet or you might one day meet, will share just one moment and place with you. Along with this- it's a wonderful opportunity to connect with another by talking with them about a place you both have been.

It's amazing that our world is so very small. I think before the advent of modern travel it was much larger, but now we are only a hop, skip or plane ride from wherever we want. I have met people in New York, Seattle, etc. when I was visiting or living there who were from my home town all by coincidence.

This idea is made on the presumption that we have money. If one does not have money, the world is again very large and not quite as accessible. I wonder if those who have never really traveled know what they are missing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I know, a lot of pictures- this blog is mostly for Mary and Kimi, but I hope anyone else (if anyone else reads my blog...) will enjoy. This is how I decorated my room this year. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I wallpapered the wall with a sheet, and made a window covering, I made the picture board, and I made the screens on the closet doors. Yeah, I like it. So thanks for the ideas girls!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Pictures of Paris

At the request of a few of are my pictures of Paris :)
I welcome comments, questions, or don't look- sometimes when you haven't been there, or you just don't care- it's boring, and that's okay.