Friday, January 13, 2006

My New Passions...

Yesterday I received two gifts and both were magical...

1. A Guitar! It's a Ovation Celebrity CS257 just in case you wanted to look it up, or you know anything about guitars. Now to be truthful, it's not really mine. My best guy friend in the world is letting me borrow it for the semester. He is also buying it new strings and helping me get everything else I will need to learn my new endeavor, and therein lyes some of the magic for me.

With this gift comes first the reassurance that Brian trusts me (it's a REALLY nice guitar) and also the knowledge that has been proven time and time again that Brian though sometimes flakey, REALLY knows me. Over the course of the semester I hope it will bring us to a new level of closeness that I am always striving for in my friendships. I'm VERY excited to learn. I've wanted to for a long time. (A note: if you're thinking, "who's Brian? What's the deal between these two?" He and I will never date, it just wasn't in the fates, and he's happily dating someone else right now.)

2. Horse Training. Now you might think- 'Linds, horse training isn't a gift- even if you were a horse, or even owned a horse!' BUT it is! I have recently read 'Horses Don't Lie' by Chris Irwin. If you have ever riden horses or ever wish to- read this book. I think it's a great jumping off point into the world of modern or Neo-Horse Whispering. This leads me to the gift. I have found a new passion (and I consider that new found passion as the gift) for horse training and riding. My equestrian team coach and my teacher uses mostly Parelli methods and I am going to learn them! I am observing and helping her teach the 101 and 201 horse riding classes at the University and taking the 301 class. I'm a the barn A LOT, but I love it. By the end of the semester I hope to have read and experienced enough to train and teach and use all this great knowledge and have the basis to learn more!

I'm not going to tell you about the stuff I'm learning, but that will be another blog. So, my two gifts are amazing and life is going to be great this year! I will probably do more new things and things will change more, than ever before. I am excited about this possibility, but also scared, because I'm sure I will encounter challenges, heartache and trials, but that is all worth the good times, new things learned, character growth and fun I will have.