Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Confessions of a Closet Romantic

As most of the people in my life know, I am not a fan of public affection (holding hands, arm around the shoulder- okay that’s cool), or of the obsessive need to be near to and touch one’s significant other. Though I love my friends and I do like and think well of all their significant other’s, and even enjoy talking to the couple, I find it frustrating to never talk to them without the other. I think I have voiced this opinion numerous times and so the following confession I might be teased for…

I am a total, head over heals, lovey dovey romantic. I watched on Friday night, as my friend Brandon sung 2 songs he had written for his wife before they had married. I was completely happy for them, and wanting this for me! I think I’m finally at the point in life where things like that- instead of making me roll my eyes, make me smile and feel loved. I love the simple things a guy can do for you, and I love doing the things that make a guy smile. I love flowers, and spending time, etc. etc. And so, I will less often now roll my eyes at the couples in my life, and more often appreciate and admire the way love is expressed in our day.

To this confession I add this notice: I am fully and totally aware that having a significant other or even husband is not all roses and wine, (well sparkling cider). A relationship is a ton of work, and requires sacrifice of self, compromise, compassion and most of all commitment.


Unknown said...

From one romantic to another, I love you, Linds!!

Cody Russell McComas said...

And from a third romantic (sometimes hopeless, sometimes hopeful) to another, "Here's to songs written and played for another!!" (and other such beautiful things).