Thursday, March 02, 2006

Running in Flipflops...

A few days ago, as I was running across the Quad on Utah State's campus, in flipflops, giving myself shin splints, kicking muddy grassiness onto my legs, and listening to the five p.m. chime of the bell in Old Main....I realized two things...

The procrastinator in my HAS to DIE! How many times can I run to turn a paper in minutes before it's late, start an online quiz just minutes before it closes, or read an article in the class I should have prepared for?

Also, I have become a perpetually late person. I am always trying to do just one more thing before I leave, or one more errand before I go to class, or sleep one more minute. It's not good, and it's not the person I want to be. I think it developed from the distaste of being awkwardly early. But, I have decided- being early is only an opportunity to take in my surrounds and appreciate the time I have, a time to reflect.

So, I will as of today, do better.


Unknown said...

Top Ten Reasons to Procrastinate:


Unknown said...

On a more serious note, I have mixed feelings about procrastination. I find that tasks fill the time allotted to them. There is a delicate balance between starting to early and starting late enough that it won't take you forever to complete an assignment. It's an ongoing lesson (that I probably too often fail.)