Friday, September 19, 2014


I've gone to write this post quite a few times, but the wedding was so wonderful, I just didn't know where to start. I finally decided on a slideshow of pictures and then writing about my favorite moments.  Thank you a million to all the friends and family who made our day so special.  We love you all! Happy Anniversary to My Love ;)


Mom helping me get ready: I borrowed my beautiful dress from Tara.  She was so sweet to let me wear it, and the first time I put it on - I teared up.  It was perfect.  Mom helped me put a necklace and earrings on that were her mom's.  I couldn't think of a better 'old'.  My garter was blue, and I had to look for something new- my shoes.  Mom pinned everyone's corsages on - Jeanette and her's, and the boutonnieres - Brian's and Dennis'. 

Dad starting to cry when he saw me: Jeanette had stayed with Dad to keep him calm, she said he was really nervous.  When I was all ready and came out to take pictures with the bridal party and to go to the ceremony, Dad saw me and started to cry.  He's so cute.  I told him - don't cry yet, I'll cry if you cry, and my make-up will smear!  :) :)  He was with Brian, Emily and I as we took pictures before the ceremony. 

Walking down the "aisle":  Our ceremony site, Red Butte Gardens, was beautiful.  The bridal party walked from an upper garden, under an arbor to Rob through the lower garden.  They walked to
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. (I didn't know, but that's Mom's favorite song! Click the title to hear it.)

As I walked with Dad toward this amazing man, I just couldn't be more happy.  I have this wonderful family who supports and love us, and I was moments away from getting to spend the rest of my life with a man who makes my life more than I could have hoped.  It was also wonderful to look at the faces of our family and friends so happy and there to support us.  I couldn't ask for a better family and group of friends.  I was also so happy to have Emily, Brian and Tim stand up with us - and Tara & Preston (there in thought).  I walked with dad to God Blessed the Broken Road by The O’Neill Brothers. (Click the title to hear it.)

The ceremony: I went first saying my vows.  Brian had my notes in his pocket and held my bouquet.  (wedding dresses don't really have pockets ;)  I started with, "Good Man..." and I meant it.  He is a good man, and I told him I didn't know what I did to deserve him.  I managed to only cry a little. 
Rob said he should have gone first and made us all laugh.  His vows were shorter, but very sincere.  He talked about how I made him want to be a better man, and how he's become one because of me. 
We were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Erwin!!

Hilarious pictures with the Hollands:  We got to take pictures with all the families after the ceremony.  The Hollands were too funny.  Someone in the group kept grabbing my butt - I think Rob...  I almost fell off one of the garden stones and Robert caught me.  Fun times.

Toasts:  Tim, Emily and Brian gave beautiful toasts. Tim talked about his and Rob's college days. Emily talked about us going to state fairs and having adventures. She told about when she visited DC and spent time with Rob and I, she could tell we were good together. Brian talked about our long friendship and how Rob is now part of the family. 

First dance:  I love dancing with Rob. We touch noses and he picks me up and spins around :)
We danced to 'The Day Before You' by Rascal Flatts. We wanted others to join us after the first chorus and couples were awesome and did.

Dad/Daughter dance:  Dancing with Dad was awesome. I for sure get my crying gene from him ;) He twirled me and stepped on my veil, it was too funny. Emily took it from me so it wouldn't get in the way. He gave loving advice and approval to Rob and I as it came to an end. Jeanette and him were so wonderful in all the wedding planning and I could ask for better parents. 

I also got to dance with Dennis. He is just the most loving man, and I'm so grateful for him and Mom. He even danced with everyone to the fast songs during the night. It was great :) He has always been a dancer. 

Pictures with just us:  We got to go with the photographer after dinner and take some pictures. She kept laughing at us because Rob kept grabbing my butt every other picture, which then made me laugh :) Might sound odd but I love he does that. 

Cutting the Cake:  Rob loves wedding cake so we got a cake to cut and then we took half of it with us on the honeymoon. Ha!  When I gave him a bite- he put his whole mouth around it, and I didn't even have a chance to smash it.  I, on the other hand, received cake up my nose!! Ha, everyone thought I was mad until I laughed.

Dancing: I've always wanted my wedding to be fun, and to have dancing.  It's a celebration!!  I remember years ago Nick telling me that I better have dancing at my wedding.  We some fun dances and Heidi was awesome and taught us the Hustle.

I got to dance with the Best Man (so sweet- seemed to like me instantly, and I felt the same!), Nick, Robert, and Brian.  It's great to be the bride ;)

Driving away as a married woman:  As we said goodbye to the family, and got into our really nice rental (Rob got a free upgrade), I sat there and thought- I'm married to Rob!!!

Our wedding was AMAZING.  Again, thank you to everyone who helped and attended.  I can't wait to make another great year of adventures with this good man.